Wolf Signs -

Freestanding Signage

Wolf Signs manufacture all types of Free Standing Signage from small free standing garden signs thru to the large billboard type free standing signs.

Free Standing signage is a valuable asset to any company looking at getting their brand or message noticed… Generally, free standing signage is positioned in a way that maximises visibility to passing pedestrians or traffic. Most free standing signage can easily be modified or changed with a new message, or a total new face to replace an existing sign face.

We have the ability to custom manufacture these type of signs that can also incorporates cost effective ways to make changes to free standing signs quickly and hassle free.

Wolf Signs records all specifications of the free standing signs we manufacture in our database, allowing for hassle free changes to be made.

There are a lot of options available for external and internal styles of free standing signage, give us a call to discuss any of these options, alternatively contact us for a Quotation.

Easy Process


Direction Arrows
Step 1


Direction Arrows
Step 2

Accept Quotation

Direction Arrows
Step 3

Design Proofing

Direction Arrows
Step 4

Artwork Print

Direction Arrows
Step 5


Step 6