Wolf Signs -

Plastic Engraving

From where it all started, Wolf Signs has been supplying Engraved Plastic Labels for the past 30 years.

Utilising state-of-the-art Engraving machines and software, we produce engraved plastic labels, plates and tags for…

Switchboard Labels, Identification Plates, Display Labels, Door Plates, Mimic Panels, Instrument Panels, Machine Labels and much more.

We have a wide variety of laminate colours and can engrave and profile cut to any shape or size.

Our experience engravers are able to program our engraving machines to produce artwork to your specification, alternatively, our engraving software allows us to use your own electronic drawing programs to reproduce your designs as per drawings or specifications.

The highly accurate engraving machinery along with the quality engraving laminate we use, will ensure the product you receive will be the best available to the market.

Ring today and talk to one of our Plastic Engraving experts or for a quotation contact Wolf Signs.

Easy Process


Direction Arrows
Step 1


Direction Arrows
Step 2

Accept Quotation

Direction Arrows
Step 3

Design Proofing

Direction Arrows
Step 4

Artwork Print

Direction Arrows
Step 5


Step 6